
Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday #4

Top Five 2015 Releases I Meant To Get But Didn’t

1. The Rose Society by Marie Lu

I absolutely loved Marie Lu’s Legend Trilogy and have pretty much decided to read everything that she writes. I read the first book of this series and really liked it. I even pre-ordered The Rose Society and had it ship to my house the day it came out! But… I haven’t gotten around to reading it yet. Addicted to YA book club is reading this book for January so I’m hoping to read it with them this month. Still haven’t started it (I’m currently reading City of Glass) so we’ll see I suppose.

2. Ignite by Sara B. Larson

I received an ARC copy of the first book of this series back in 2013 and I really enjoyed it (There’s a 5/5 star review of it here on Love at First Write). So I was super looking forward to reading this book! I actually almost bought it along with the 3rd book when I was at Barnes and Noble last week. I am 100% buying it next time I see it because I really enjoyed the characters and Sara’s writing style.

3. Percy Jackson’s Greek Heroes by Rick Riordan

I absolutely enjoy Rick Riordan’s writing and mythology so this is another book that I’ve purchased and that I’m sure that I’ll love. I didn’t get to this purely because the large book’s format makes it too tall to fit on my dorm bookshelf! I had to leave it at home after I purchased it.

4. You’re Never Weird on the Internet (Almost) by Felicia Day

I ADORE Felicia Day and my friend met her and had Felicia sign their copy of the book! I was so pumped for this to come out I just… haven’t gotten around to it? I don’t exactly have the money to be buying all of these new books (I mostly read over the summer when I actually have time) so I’ve gotta check it out of the library this May!

5. Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard

I don’t know much about this book but the cover was gorgeous and I meant to read this book when it came out this year. Hopefully I’ll get it from the library or something and read it this year!