
Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Top Ten Tuesday #7

Nine Authors I’m Dying to Meet  

1 Marie Lu

 The ending of her Legend trilogy is one of the only times a book has ever made me cry and her next trilogy with the main character being the villain of the story is so awesome. I’m excited for her next book to come out in October! She’s never let me down as an author and It’d be so awesome to meet her and have her sign my books.

2 Rick Riordan

 I’ve seen Rick Riordan at a book tour previously, but he signed all the new books in advance and left directly after the event unlike the other 3 authors on the tour. It was super cool to hear him talk but seeing him from stage is a different experience from meeting someone! I’ve been reading his books since The Lightning Thief was a Nutmeg Nominee back in 2008. It’s been almost 10 years of amazing books since! I’ve gotten a couple books signed, but not personally signed for me so that’d be pretty cool to met him for real.

3 J.K. Rowling**

No list would be complete without her. I have never lived in a world without Harry Potter, I grew up with these books coming out and watching the movies. Being able to meet the author of my childhood would be a dream come true.

4 Neil Gaiman

His books are so detailed, imaginative, and gritty. It would be pretty fantastic to even attend one of his events, let alone meet the guy. He came to Boston for the Boston Book Festival and tickets sold out before I could get my hands on some! I’ll just have to be satisfied with reading his books and following his social media *sighs*

5 Carrie Fisher

I don’t care if I meet her via séance or her reanimated body, she just seems so amazing and left us too soon.

6 Robert Kirkman

Author of The Walking Dead, it’d be so cool to be able to ask him questions about his inspirations and how he comes up with the storyline’s direction.

7 & 8 C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien together

I’m just trying to imagine the two of them together at a dinner party. Both geniuses in the fantasy genre who seem to be a little petty and funny to be around. The two of them together must have been quite the experience!

9 Christopher Paolini

Reading his books as a kid was so inspiring because he started writing this series so young! He also sorta fell off the map and only recently started posting and answer fan questions on goodreads which has revitalized my interest in him and his books. I just missed his book signing in New Zealand a couple summers ago, so I have a signed copy of Eragon, but not a personalized one.

**This opinion piece has been edited to reflect J.K. Rowling's unfortunately shitty opinions about my trans brothers and sisters.