
Sunday, September 21, 2014

Ten Book Challenge

I got tagged to do the Ten Book Challenge by Gloria @Gloria The Violinist. Thanks so much Gloria! The color scheme and layout of your blog is so cutsie <3

All you need to do is list ten books that have stayed with you in some way. Do not take more than a few minutes, and do not think about it too hard. They do not have to be the 'right' books or great works of literature, just ones that have affected you in some way. Paste these instructions and tag ten friends through comments. Be sure to comment on my blog so I can see your list!

This 12 volume manga series and 2 spin-off written books (L, Change the World and Another Note) were my absolute favorite my freshman year of high school. I made many friends through mutual enjoyment of Light Yagami and L and I will always love these characters.

Tris and her buds really grew on me throughout my first read. Uriah and Four were a big impact on me, shaping my valued characteristics in a person. The third book had a huge impact on me last year oh my goodness, I almost cried.

I read this book about 3 years ago and it blew me away. I loved the concept and thought the characters (even the ‘bad guys’) were well developed. Finnick Odair was one of the original book boyfriends and I can’t wait until Mockingjay hits the bigscreen! From the beginning I shipped Everlark but I always thought Katniss would end up with Gale. 

I discovered this book in fourth grade, a year after it came out because it was on a suggested reads list at school. I can still remember my 5th grade teacher buying book 3 the day it came out and everyone in the class making an order of who got to read her copy next (our library take forever to get new books). Rick Riordan’s characters really impacted me as well as the many others who read his Greek mythology series. Percy and Annabeth’s finale comes in just a few weeks and I am dying to get my hands on it!

My first experience with this series was a free ebook download of The Angel Experiment. I enjoyed it, but I didn’t realize it was actually a popular YA book at the time. Years later I came across book two at my local library and took it with me on my vacation to Cape Cod. I could not have enjoyed it more and quickly jumped on book 3. I have not yet finished this series, but it certainly was a big part of my childhood.

Speaking of childhood, this book was pretty much my entire childhood. I grew up living and breathing these books and I can’t imagine my life without them. I was crushed when I let my sister borrow my favorite (book 4) and she returned it in 2 pieces. I don’t just mean the cover ripped off, I mean I had two hearty chunks split around page 400. She had to by me a new copy. I also remember staying up until midnight waiting for the release of Deathly Hallows. I only made it a hundred pages or so before I fell asleep from exhaustion. I’ve never waited until midnight for something before and haven’t done so since.

I can’t remember when I discovered this series, but I remember being devastated when I didn’t have the money to buy book 4 right when it came out. Like Percy Jackson book 3, I had to wait a couple weeks for my friend and his sister to read it before I could get my hands on his copy. I later treated myself to the deluxe edition, which proudly sits next to my signed copy of Eragon. Getting book was quite the lucky coincidence. I went to New Zealand for a trip and happened to be in Auckland when Christopher was signing books at Whitcoulls.

This series is what helped me bond with my best friend in 3rd grade. We became absolutely inseparable for the next few years <3 The three children escaping the dreaded Count Olaf  had me hanging onto the edge of my seat while simultaneously making me fall off laughing.

I didn’t discover this series until the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe movie came out in 2005. Fantasy being me favorite genre I quickly got my hands on the books (in chronological order, not publication order). This series means a lot to me and I was so disappointed when I couldn’t go see the Dawn Treader movie… still have to do that.

I know, not my genre, but I had to read the French version for a class a while back and this book really got to me. The drawings were adorable, when not satanic since he can’t draw, but the themes were so, so important.

This is the list of bloggers I'm tagging to do this tag:
Tracy @Cornerfolds 

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday #2

Top Ten Underrated Authors or Books in YA

Legend by Marie Lu: It’s a dystopian trilogy about the most wanted criminal born in the slums and the military’s elite-born prodigy trying to fix their country and hunt the other down. The Republic is at war, and on top of that a fatal plague has fallen on California. These two would have never crossed paths if it weren’t for the death of Prodigy’s older brother, Metias. Swearing revenge on his murderer, Prodigy goes undercover in the slums where the plot really takes some shocking turns. This was a really touching story that made me cry- something that rarely happens.

Department 19 by Will Hill: I never hear about this book in the US. It’s an intense Vampire Hunting novel about this 17 year old boy Jamie. Classic literature (Frankenstein and Dracula to be exact) are tied in perfectly throughout this series, as well as history. The style of the book (time-line/point of view wise) is a bit messy but all of the pieces come together effortlessly at the end of each book.

The Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini: This book has got a medieval feel to it with lots of magic. There are Elves, Dwarves, Dragons, Werecats and more to be found between the pages! Eragon, an orphan boy looked after by his uncle and cousin on their farm finds a strange blue stone while out hunting. Turns out to be a Dragon who imprints on him and gives Eragon the ability to use magic (and means he’s the only dragon-rider in existence aside from the Kingdom’s dictator Galbratorix).

Defy by Sara B. Larson: Defy is about Alexa (Alex) how disguises herself as a boy and joins the army with her twin brother Marcel. This would be because girl orphans are forced into a life of rape in order to produce as many soldiers for the army as possible before their body gives out. Training in the army since children, Alex and Marcel are now part of the Prince’s guard and virtually unbeatable- until a magician kidnaps the prince and takes Alex with them!

Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor: Karou is an art student in Prauge, drawing monsters that may or may not be real. She also disappears on errands to collect teeth for Brimstone. She’s grown up with a word of wishes come true, but the catch is that this isn’t her first life. Where does the magic come from? Who even is she? Lastly, What of the fiery Akiva and the bloody star-crossed love of her past?

Assured Destruction by Michael F. Stewart: This is a great new book series that I’ve reviewed on here. Stewart crafts being a teen with technology flawlessly and it was quite an enjoyable read. Janus is an amateur hacker/programmer whose family business is failing. Her father disappeared, her mother is severely sick, and Janus is suffering from depression, but that’s not the plot. I loved how their ‘disabilities’ didn’t mean they couldn’t function has a whole human. The plot focuses on technology in today’s society- the good and the bad. 

The Bartimeaus Trilogy by Jonathan Stroud: If you’re looking for a great read, Stroud is one of my favorites. It’s kind of popular, but I’d still say it’s underrated. Bartimaeus is so sassy, witty, and sarcastic how could you not love him? He’s one of the best characters that I’ve ever read and this series honestly deserves more credit than it’s got. These books are about magicians, who can summon spirits to do their bidding. Spirits from another world as old as time. One such spirit is Bartimaeus, who has served many human masters in his time. Currently serving under Nathaniel, a magician prodigy out for revenge, Bartimaeus will find any loophole to bring his master’s downfall upon him in this fantasy-comedy.

The Quicksilver Legacy Series by Laura DeBruce : So far only the first book has been released but I absolutely loved it! The Riddle of Prague revolves around Hana Silna who comes back to Prague to claim her ancestral home from the Soviet Union. The city holds deep and dark secrets woven through history- maybe even the key to eternal life. She needs to find a flask in order to save her kidnapped family, meeting plenty of suspicious characters along the way. I was debating who was trustworthy the whole way through!

Daughters of the Moon by Lynne Ewing: Vanessa and her friend Catty have always had special powers, but they never realized that the other did as well. Vanessa can turn herself into a gas-like substance (invisible and an interesting form of transportation) while Catty can time travel. This was a great blend of Greek Mythology with a Modern day setting. The girls soon befriend a 3rd and 4th girl like them who help them realize that they are daughters of the moon goddess. They need to fight together to defeat the evil Atrox in a thrilling 13 book series.

Pendragon by D. J. MacHale: Bobby Pendragon is a basketball star, with a happy family, home, and adorable dog. Pretty normal except for the fact that he can travel through gates to other worlds in crisis. He’s the savior, the leader of travelers, and the one to save all of Halla. Fast paced, plot twisting, and adrenaline pumping; this series was a great read. The world building and character intricacies were beautiful so this was one of my favorites in 8th grade.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Stacking the Shelves #1

Hosted by Tynga’s Reviews 

The Rising by Will Hill
Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor
The Ring of Solomon by Jonathan Stroud
Obsidian by Jennifer L. Armentrout

For Review:
Our Souls to Keep by Gary A. Caruso

What did you add to your shelves this week? Be sure to leave your links bellows so i can see your  STS posts as well. Have a nice day!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday #1

Top Ten Book Characters That Would Be Sitting At My Lunch Table
  1. Eragon Shadeslayer from The Inheritance Cycle: I love how he goes from Farmer Boy to Hero. Yeah, he’s a dragon rider, but he’s also keeping it real and knows what his duties are. Loyal and good with a sword, he’d always hang out with us a lunch.
  2. Bartimaeus from The Bartimaeus Trilogy: The Witty one of the group, he’ll always keeping things interesting. I love his character. Maybe he doesn’t have your best interest in mind, but he cares in his own way and wouldn’t leave a friend to the dogs. He’d also probably compete in a prank-off with my next character.
  3. Leo Valdez from Heroes of Olympus: The trickster of the gang, Leo can always make me laugh. He’s trustworthy, extremely caring, and most of all dedicated. I’d help him rescue Calypso from some bullies and then she could sit with us too <3
  4. Annabeth Chase from Percy Jackson and theOlympians: She is so smart and intelligent, she and I would be the brains of the table. We’d sit and chat about our honors/AP classes and help each other out when we got stuck. We’d be the brainiac dream team!
  5. Finnick Odair from The Hunger Games: This eye-candy character is so much more. He might be a flirt, but he’s really a sweetie and my lunch table wouldn’t be the same without him. We’d eat sugar together while swapping gossip to hide how venerable we really are.
  6. June Iparis from Legend: June has got the brains and the brawn. She’s our little one-girl army to save the day from bullies, mean teachers, and homework. I’ve always thought we were similar (along with Annabeth) for using our minds to win and physical force only if we have to.
  7. Arya Stark from A Song of Ice and Fire: The tomboy of the group who would rather be swordfighting in the mud than chatting in a dress. It’s a miracle we can wrangle her in for lunch! I’d love to be more like her and learn how to fight, maybe she can teach me some moves.
  8. Spock from Star Trek: The great thinker, with almost computer-like accuracy would be a perfect addition to my lunch table. He’s a flawless mediator and his advice is impeccable.
  9. Legolas from Lord of the Rings: Elegance, Grace, Style, Legolas has it all. He’s great for advice with all of his wisdom throughout the years, but he also knows how to have a good time. Behind the serene face is a party animal waiting to break through.
  10. Carter Kane from The Kane Chronicles: Carter would be the last piece to my lunch table puzzle. He’s the archaeological nerd with the Pikachu pajamas and the coolest magical powers to back him up in a fight. His Egyptian heritage and fighting skills are also something I’d totally want to learn from him along with Arya’s. 

Monday, September 1, 2014

Liebster Award


The Liebster rules are thus:

Link and thank those who nominated you.

Answer the 11 questions posed to you.

Nominate 11 bloggers with fewer than 200 followers and ask them 11 questions.

Inform them of nomination by commenting on one of their posts.


Thanks Benni @bookbiters for the nomination 

Questions Answered

If you had to live in a book universe, which book’s universe would it be?

I would love to be a Demigod in Heroes of Olympus! It would be the coolest to have special powers from my godly parent and learn how to protect myself at Camp Half-Blood (GO GREEKS).

Which two book characters would you choose to fight over your heart?

Ash from the Iron Fey by Julie Kagawa and Patch from Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick

Which book character would you choose as your best friend?

Percy Jackson

What would you choose as your one superpower?

My superpower would be to shape-shift into anything I want (like Frank from Heroes of Olympus, or the Animorph gang without getting stuck forever)

Is there an upcoming title/ARC that you want to read so badly you’d gladly embarrass yourself to get a copy now? What book, and how would you be willing to embarrass yourself?

Blood of Olympus is coming out in October and I’m so excited. I would do absolutely anything for the finale of my favorite series!!!

Would you name your children after your favorite book characters? If so, please divulge—at least one name for a girl, and one for a boy.

Heck yeah I would.
Girls: June, Arya, Annabeth, Thalia
Boys: Tobias, Jaime, Percy, Leo, Uriah

If you were forced to burn a book, which book would it be?

50 Shades of Grey, without a doubt

What book character would you bring back from the dead?

Too many to count. Finnick Odair, Tris, Uriah, Bianca, Charles and Silena,  L & Kira for starters

What are your book faction allegiances?

Slytherin, House Stark, House Targaryen, Dauntless

What book do you wish you wrote?

Eragon by Christopher Paolini

What has been your all-time most viewed blog post?

 The Riddle of Prague by Laura Debruce 

My Nominees

My 11 Questions

  1. Favorite Book Format?
  2. Why did you start this Blog?
  3. Favorite Childhood Book?
  4. 4 Top books on you To-Read list?
  5. What do you think is your most under-appreciated post?
  6. Who is your favorite author and why?
  7. Most prized book that you own?
  8. If you had a magic lamp, what would you wish for?
  9. Describe your blog with a phrase.
  10. Favorite season?
  11. Share your favorite quote.

I’d love if you posted your links below for me to see!