
Sunday, September 21, 2014

Ten Book Challenge

I got tagged to do the Ten Book Challenge by Gloria @Gloria The Violinist. Thanks so much Gloria! The color scheme and layout of your blog is so cutsie <3

All you need to do is list ten books that have stayed with you in some way. Do not take more than a few minutes, and do not think about it too hard. They do not have to be the 'right' books or great works of literature, just ones that have affected you in some way. Paste these instructions and tag ten friends through comments. Be sure to comment on my blog so I can see your list!

This 12 volume manga series and 2 spin-off written books (L, Change the World and Another Note) were my absolute favorite my freshman year of high school. I made many friends through mutual enjoyment of Light Yagami and L and I will always love these characters.

Tris and her buds really grew on me throughout my first read. Uriah and Four were a big impact on me, shaping my valued characteristics in a person. The third book had a huge impact on me last year oh my goodness, I almost cried.

I read this book about 3 years ago and it blew me away. I loved the concept and thought the characters (even the ‘bad guys’) were well developed. Finnick Odair was one of the original book boyfriends and I can’t wait until Mockingjay hits the bigscreen! From the beginning I shipped Everlark but I always thought Katniss would end up with Gale. 

I discovered this book in fourth grade, a year after it came out because it was on a suggested reads list at school. I can still remember my 5th grade teacher buying book 3 the day it came out and everyone in the class making an order of who got to read her copy next (our library take forever to get new books). Rick Riordan’s characters really impacted me as well as the many others who read his Greek mythology series. Percy and Annabeth’s finale comes in just a few weeks and I am dying to get my hands on it!

My first experience with this series was a free ebook download of The Angel Experiment. I enjoyed it, but I didn’t realize it was actually a popular YA book at the time. Years later I came across book two at my local library and took it with me on my vacation to Cape Cod. I could not have enjoyed it more and quickly jumped on book 3. I have not yet finished this series, but it certainly was a big part of my childhood.

Speaking of childhood, this book was pretty much my entire childhood. I grew up living and breathing these books and I can’t imagine my life without them. I was crushed when I let my sister borrow my favorite (book 4) and she returned it in 2 pieces. I don’t just mean the cover ripped off, I mean I had two hearty chunks split around page 400. She had to by me a new copy. I also remember staying up until midnight waiting for the release of Deathly Hallows. I only made it a hundred pages or so before I fell asleep from exhaustion. I’ve never waited until midnight for something before and haven’t done so since.

I can’t remember when I discovered this series, but I remember being devastated when I didn’t have the money to buy book 4 right when it came out. Like Percy Jackson book 3, I had to wait a couple weeks for my friend and his sister to read it before I could get my hands on his copy. I later treated myself to the deluxe edition, which proudly sits next to my signed copy of Eragon. Getting book was quite the lucky coincidence. I went to New Zealand for a trip and happened to be in Auckland when Christopher was signing books at Whitcoulls.

This series is what helped me bond with my best friend in 3rd grade. We became absolutely inseparable for the next few years <3 The three children escaping the dreaded Count Olaf  had me hanging onto the edge of my seat while simultaneously making me fall off laughing.

I didn’t discover this series until the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe movie came out in 2005. Fantasy being me favorite genre I quickly got my hands on the books (in chronological order, not publication order). This series means a lot to me and I was so disappointed when I couldn’t go see the Dawn Treader movie… still have to do that.

I know, not my genre, but I had to read the French version for a class a while back and this book really got to me. The drawings were adorable, when not satanic since he can’t draw, but the themes were so, so important.

This is the list of bloggers I'm tagging to do this tag:
Tracy @Cornerfolds 

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