
Sunday, October 18, 2020

Down the TBR Hole #5

Created by Lia @Lost in a Story

It works like this:
Go to your goodreads to-read shelf.
Order on ascending date added.
Take the first 5 (or 10 (or even more!) if youre feeling adventurous) books.
Read the synopses
 of the books
Decide: keep it or should it go?
My Goodreads TBR currently has 549 books on it, so I'm really looking forward to cleansing my list!

Throne Of Glass

Sarah J. Maas is an author that I haven't read yet (don't kill me!), so I feel like it's obligatory that I read this even if it's been almost 10 years since it came out. (Or should I give up a switch to a Court of Thorns and Roses? Are the series related in anyway? I literally know nothing >.< )

Decision: Keep

The Lost Prince 

After staring at this in befuddlement for awhile, I've finally come to a decision about this book/spin off series. I think my time for it's enjoyment has passed. I remember disliking the original book, and each sequel getting better and better as Meghan developed, but also as her love interests Puck and Ash developed. It's been so long that I hardly remember their story anymore, and Ethan was such a minor plot point that I almost don't even remember Megan having a brother. I'm just not sure what he would even have to say...

Decision: Go

The Host

This is a book that I have tried to read many times before, but it's so large and life is so busy that I never manage to get to the end. At one point I owned a copy, though I'm not actually sure where it wound up. It might still be in my old room at my parent's house! Most reviews are pretty strong for this book though, and I'm definitely interested in what Meyer can do outside of Twilight, so I'll try and track down that copy.

Decision: Keep

Yup, another Julie Kagawa series is on the list! This one is an unrelated story to  her Iron Fey stories and world, and  I'm very curious about Kagawa's interpretation of vampires. It doesn't hurt that this book has glowing reviews! 

Decision: Keep

Wow, I don't even remember adding this to my to-read list! This is such a throwback. The movie came out when I was little and the trailer always creeped me out. I'm kind of shocked I ever thought I was going to read this! I think it's safe to say that I never will...

Decision: Go

Did I make the right decisions?? Let me know in the comments!

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