Review Policy

If you’re an author and want to promote your book here on my blog or for me to review it, I would be glad to help. If you are interested you can contact me here:

I will accept books for review from publishers or authors. I do write honest reviews so obviously I can’t promise great ratings for every book I read; however I do not bash authors. I try my best to identify specific problems and recommendations so that my critiques are always constructive to authors (and helpful to other readers). I use a 5 star system, though sometimes books fall between stars, which will be explained in my review. With how hectic life is at the moment, I can NOT guarantee an exact time that my review will be posted. I will read and review all accepted requests, but it will take time.

I will consider all requests, but keep in mind that my preferred young adult genres are:
-Historical Fiction

Genres I will not accept:
-Middle Grade
-Children's Books
-Poetry Collections
-Novellas/Short Stories

Physical copies and kindle-friendly files (MOBI) are both accepted. However, physical copies will take priority over ebook requests. If I receive a print copy request after an ebook request, I will read the printed copy first.

In the book request I would like to see the following:
-Author Name
-Book Cover & Synopsis
-Goodreads link or any other link
-Deadline, if you have one, though I cannot always accommodate short-notice deadlines

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