Monday, November 11, 2019

Down the TBR Hole #4

Created by Lia @Lost in a Story

It works like this:
Go to your goodreads to-read shelf.
Order on ascending date added.
Take the first 5 (or 10 (or even more!) if youre feeling adventurous) books.
Read the synopses
 of the books
Decide: keep it or should it go?
My Goodreads TBR currently has 819 books on it, and this post is all books I added in 2012, so I'm really looking forward to cleansing my list!

The Raven Boys (The Raven Cycle #1)

This is a huge series that I'm still hearing fantastic things about, so I will definite have to keep this on my tbr list. I'll get there eventually!!!

Decision: Keep


I honestly don't even remember adding this book to my list, but I read so few horror books that I can't bear to part with this one. Now that we're getting into the winter months I see myself settling down with a  cup of tea and reading this spooky book soon!

Decision: Keep

Tiger's Curse (The Tiger Saga #1)

This might be a bit controversial because I feel like everyone I know ever has read this series, and the cover is soooo gorgeous, but 2012 me was super into prophecies and spells and I'm trying to cut down a bit this overload of fantasy. I found myself not too curious about what curse had to be broken, and that's when I knew this book wasn't making the cut.

Decision: Go

Tiger Lily

Jodi Lynn Anderson wrote one of my all-time favorite books, Midnight at the Electric, and I am definitely reading her Peter Pan retelling before I die.

Decision: Keep

A Touch Mortal (The Sider Series #1)

Eden and Az form some sort of supernatural romance here that cringed reading about, but teen me would have adored this book I'm sure. I just have a quota of how many weird "unique" white people names I can handle and Az was too much for me to handle lol

Decision: Go


I actually own this book and it's taken me year and years and years to get to, but one day I WILL read this. The world-building I've heard is amazing. Essentially, abortion is illegal  but between the ages of 13 and 18 a legal guardians can choose to have their child 'unwound' and reduced to organs to be donated. Wild, right?

Decision: Keep

Grave Mercy (His Fair Assassin #1)

While having never had this book (obviously) I've seen the cover so often is gives me warm fuzzy feelings for Bookstagram. The plot of leaving an arranged marriage for a pagan sisterhood intrigues me immensely, so it's definitely a keeper!

Decision: Keep


I feel like this is yes another series every expect myself has read, and honestly I'm totally fine with things staying that way. I'm sure it's got some heartfelt body image discussions that some people truly need to hear, but by 2020 I personally feel that's kind of beating a dead horse.

Decision: Go

Stormdancer (The Lotus Wars #1)

The description (a child of the Fox clan sent on a quest to capture a Thunder Tiger) reminds me a bit of The Dragon Pearl by Yoon Ha Lee, with fox mythology. I'm ~always~ up for more mythology retellings!

Decision: Keep

I've finally made it to a book on my tbr that I added in 2013! It only took going through about 300 books to get through my 2012 tbr list >.<  This is the story of Alina who finds out she has magical powers and is going to be trained to be a member of the Grisha. The goodreads reviews are pretty strong, and this book still makes the rounds on Bookstagram occasionally, so I'll be keeping this one as well.

Decision: Keep

Did I make the right decisions?? Let me know in the comments!

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